Mansfield GOP

This is the team blog of the Mansfield (MA) Republican Town Committee. MRTC members can post; anyone can comment. The views expressed by posters and commenters are their own, and do not necessarily represent the position of the MRTC as a whole.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Cutting John Kerry some slack....I don't want to get booted from our blog but I'm actually going to defend Liveshot Kerry for a moment. I have heard the clip of his latest gaffe and I didn't initially think he was taking a pot shot at our troops. There's no doubt in my mind that he was thinking that he would insult President Bush. The problem is that, just like all liberals, John Kerry has NO SENSE OF HUMOUR. In order for something to be funny, the joke has to have some truth to it and that's why all of the Bush bashing just doesn't get any laughs. As an example, the President has his undergrad degree from Yale and an MBA from Harvard - he's not dumb. Yahoos may disagree with him, but he's not a dumb man. Now Ted Kennedy on the other hand.......

That said, Kerry is getting what he and every other humourless liberal deserve. I can't wish people Merry Christmas without that a##%hole Gouviea ripping us in the Fishwrapper so John Kerry deserves to be vilified in the press. Let us all hope that the GOTV machinery is working throughout our fine country next Tuesday (or it won't be so fine!)


Blogger Olivier Kozlowski said...

I'm not so quick to give John Kerry a pass here. "Slip up," "botched joke," call it what you will, I get the sense that there's at least a subconcious disdain for the military that surfaced in his comment. And hey, a quick scan of Drudge shows that Hillary, Murtha and other Dems are piling on at this point - so I can't possibly be wrong!

12:04 AM  

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