Mansfield GOP

This is the team blog of the Mansfield (MA) Republican Town Committee. MRTC members can post; anyone can comment. The views expressed by posters and commenters are their own, and do not necessarily represent the position of the MRTC as a whole.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Deval's new radio ad - bad marketing?

I heard a new Deval radio ad this morning put out by some teachers' union. In between poli-speak were soundbites of school-related things that we are left to assume would disappear if Kerry Healey wins. The FIRST of these, within the first few seconds of the ad, was a child saying "uno, dos, tres..." Now I'm not a political ad expert, but I would guess that you wouldn't necessarily want to lead with an issue that could alienate undecideds. It reminds people of Deval's support for driver's licenses and in-state tuition for illegals. But, since I don't want to see Deval elected...alienate away!


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