Mansfield GOP

This is the team blog of the Mansfield (MA) Republican Town Committee. MRTC members can post; anyone can comment. The views expressed by posters and commenters are their own, and do not necessarily represent the position of the MRTC as a whole.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

"Hillary Uncensored" tonight at the Orpheum

Just a reminder that we're showing the film "Hillary Uncensored" at the Orpheum Theater in Foxboro at 7:00 p.m. tonight. After the film, you'll have the chance to ask the producer questions via teleconference. For more about the film, check out: For directions to the Orpheum, go to

Friday, January 11, 2008

It's BACK!!!

Why do I wait until something really ticks me off before I post something? I forget how to log-in half the time and am in an even worse mood when I finally get to where I can post a message. I saw on the news the other day that our esteemed Gov has decided its up to him to have the state pay tuition for all the children of illegal immigrants. What doesn't this guy get about the word illegal? It is hard to believe that the Dems in the Legislature have to be the adults (well, sometimes) while Deval gets to play the spoiled child that doesn't know better. Thank goodness we had a GOP Gov for 16 years to keep the worst ideas of the Democratic Party in check. Now we're relying on Sal DiMasi to block Gov. Moonbat from launching mindless scheme after mindless scheme? God save the Commonwealth!!

I'll debate anyone at anytime about the stupidity of offering another incentive (paid by hard working taxpayers) to people who aren't here legally and are not paying into our system.

Bring it on Governor, bring it on!